Section: Software and Platforms

btrCloud (and Entropy)

Participants : Jean-Marc Menaud [correspondent] , Guillaume Le Louët, Thierry Bernard, Frédéric Dumont.

Orchestration, virtualization, energy, autonomic system, placement, cloud computing, cluster, data center, scheduler, grid

btrCloud is a virtual machine manager for clusters and provides a complete solution for the management and optimization of virtualized data center. btrCloud (acronym of better cloud) is composed of three parts.

The analysis function enables operatives and people in charge to monitor and analyze how a data-center works, be it on a daily basis or on the long run and predict future trends. This feature includes a performance, an analysis and a trends board.

btrCloud, by the integration of btrScript, provides (semi-)automated VM lifecycle management, including provisioning, resource pool management, VM tracking, cost accounting, and scheduled deprovisioning. Key features include a thin client interface, template-based provisioning, approval workflows, and policy-based VM placement.

Finally, several kinds of optimizations are currently available, such as energy and load balancing. The former can help save up to around 20% of the data-center energy consumption. The latter provides optimized quality of service properties for applications that are hosted in the virtualized datacenters.

btrCloud is available at http://www.btrcloud.org .